Friday, October 29, 2010


Recently one of my colleagues/friends invited me for her wedding. As wedding presents, I make her a pair of wedding dolls. She loves them very much and placed them at the wedding counter , in front of the Ang Pow box .

Here is the Ang Pow Box for the groom.

And this box is meant for the bride. Cute isn't it ??

I made the groom doll looks alittle round and bubbly ( a little similar to the actual groom ... when I saw him on the wedding day... how coincident !! )

However, couples should always be together , should not have the dolls separated right ? I took this loving couple picture and wish the happy couple , forever blissful wed life . :-)

Monday, October 25, 2010


Halloween is drawing near.... made some pumkins to start off the Halloween mood...
Aren't they cute ????

Later on... a little angel join in the fun. Seems like she is outstanding pinky gal among the orange. This photo is taken by one of my friends who is trying out her new camera.

Halloween cannot be complete without some scary stuff right? I came across a skeleton doll during window shopping and so I made a similar one myself. He looks a bit round ....

Boo Boo ghost is a must for creepy , spooky Halloween. And here it is ... hanging at my desk to scare ppl who dares to comes near.... hehehee..

Actually the ghost looks too cute to be spooky... Will venture more ideas for this Halloween.

Halloween is drawing near.... I started to make some pumpkins to start off with the Halloween Mood...

Soon... little angel starts to join in the fun.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tako Challenge

After making a Singapore Flag Octopus... my colleagues challenge me if I could create a Malaysia Flag Octopus.... And so I did .

This octopus took me more time as usual to make it... I am definitely gonna charge my colleague double for this octopus... Here is the side view of him... showing the moon and star.

Come to think of it... from the front view... it looks like a US flag :-P

Ami Family

Decided to post some of my past work here.... these are my previous accomplishments... they have become gifts for my colleagues... these dolls are now happily owned by their loving masters :-D
Seems like the turtle likes the crab alot....

Monday, July 19, 2010

Tako Juniors

Seems that the Octopus are getting popular... I made some colurful , cutie ones... Cute hor?

The pink and blue are a pair... the boy boy and girl girl Tako ...

The yellow cutie gal has a pink ribbon... pretty shy fella....

She was custom made by request from another friend.

Flower brooch

Like making crochet dolls.... like the feeling of accomplishment whenever I completed one.

Made a couple of cutie stuff...

He is a little blue car..

finding him abit square ... I started to make a pair of fat and round ones

They have funny windscreens. The blue car on the right side is so round that I think he look more like a submarine than a car....

Anyway.... these dolls take up space on my desk... so I found another place for them...
On our car !! My hubby says I am turning the car into kiddy car.

For those who are interesting in getting of these cars...
I am selling them too....

Tako Family

Just start to write blogs .... Kinda new here .. My friend told me I could post my dolls ... So I placed these as a starter .

Recently from the World Cup craze... Octopus become a popular thingy... so I started to make one.... I name her Paulite as she is an alien octopus.

Soon I find Paulite alittle lonely.. so I started to make more... forming a Tako Family..
One of which is actually requested from my friend... he want me to make a Singapore Flag Octo just nice for the NDP.

Many of my friends saw my Tako family and love them. I am selling them since they are starting to multiply and taking up my desk space.....